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Balkans Ceremony Customs

By January 19, 2024online dating

We will examine some of the intriguing Balkan marriage customs in this article It’s unfortunate that many of them are disappearing, but it’s high time we looked into the previous to find out how the Balkans once celebrated their union.

At an engagement, it was quite common for the bride’s family to receive numerous donations. For instance, she and her female family would find fruit, soaps and viewers while the man and male members of his family were given tees, boots, cloths, food and drinks. Many of the presents served as a form of financial support for the brides as they prepared for a successful commence to their existence along.

Wedding planning in the past was also very important. For instance, in the north of Serbia, girls and women in her residence used to spent month sewn and embroidering clothing, fabric, and napkins for the fresh few. They would also produce unique foods to welcome their guests and create a unique tree called styag, pryaporetz, feruglitza or a bride symbol rachenik, kouzhel, yabolshnitsa.

Additionally, there were some other intriguing rituals. The comb and plaiting rite, or Kolaanja, is a traditional custom from Kosovo. It meet single slovenia women has performed by the girls and is accompanied with specially dedicated melodies. After this the groom is shaved. In some parts of the nation, it was also custom to drop a particular symbol at the bride’s and groom’s homes to shield them from bad magic.


Author lyaifer

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